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Coating compars

Poly vinyl Chloride with the abbreviation of PVC is a thermoplastic polymer which has many applications in modern construction technologies .
This material as a proper substitution for old construction materials has received a lot of attention in the previous years because of the execution of lightening system with durability, prevention of energy waste and the importance of beauty in interior decoration of the building
Compars False ceilings and wall covers with more than 100 various designs and color, high flexibility and installability in different models present a world of beauty and diversity creates an exuberant and full of tranquility environment in our lives, job and entertainment.
The benefits of PVC false ceiling and wall cover :
-1 First and the most important application is coverage
Applying PVC false ceiling and wall cover makes all technical installations and canalizations hidden and leads to an attractive appearance.

-2 Energy saving and decreasing the fuel consumption :
Their wonderful impenetrability causes decrease in heat transfer between outside and inside area of the building

-3Construction lightening specially in towers and high buildings :
In the recent years , severe earthquakes have resulted in so many damages and other problems which may cause because of living in heavy and ancient structures. These problems necessitates that the lightening rules to be applied in constructions and PVC wall & ceiling are applicable tools in this regard.

4-Sound- proof :
Because of the unique design of the wall panels air is trapped between the layers therefore this makes the panels sound proof.

5-Long life span and maintenance :
As long as the panels are not damaged by heavy impact, fire or exposure to sun light, they will not change colour or degrade. as result there is no need to change or paint incase of damage only the damaged panel can be replaced.

6-Applicable after the first stages of construction framing
These panels are installable in the first stages of construction framing it means after plastering stage. Consequently it will lead to omission of extra expenses on materials such as cement, white plaster and paint.
7-Impact insulator :
Compars PVC panels are durable against sudden and positional impacts. (In addition, a special type of this product is manufactured which is much more resistant .)

-8Easy and fast installation :
Compars PVC panels are installed very fast and easily thanks to various accessories and connections and the possibility of their slide installation.

9-Anti insect and bacteria :
Compars PVC panels are certified by the Ministry of Health as anti-insect and bacteria panels. This feature makes the consumers to buy and install confidently for their office and home.

10 –washability :
These panels can be washed with water and all other non-acid detergent